Thursday, 7 July 2022

I'm back! 

Ok so that was a longer break than I expected....

After after nigh on 10 years I've brought the shed brewery back online and I've tested all the kit. Having moved since 2013, the shed brewery is now a garage brewery, the shed in my current place being occupied by 3 dead mowers, one alive one, rarely used gardening stuff and an old dresser in bits. I've a feeling removing any of this will cause the shed to implode.

90% of the brewing kit is actually fine, just needs a good clean. There's just a boiler, which I think was buggered before, and hence is still buggered. It heats up but is randomly cutting out, so possibly the element needs a clean/descaling.

I'm thinking of jumping back into it with a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale clone, a particular favourite of mine at the moment. More to follow...

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