Finally pulled my finger out and cracked on with my first AG. Great day, despite a lot to think about and the odd mishap
Recipe used was a clone stout and was very similar to:
3700g Maris Otter
225g Munich
225g Crystal
200g Chocolate
115g Flaked barley
60g Roast barley
28g Northern Brewer (-90 mins)
7g Cascade (-15 mins)
Wyeasts 1098 British Ale Yeast
which looked something like this (a pre-mix shot which, I'm led to believe, is necessary in order to appease the brew gods). Excuse the randomness of the pics, I was concentrating on getting the brew right and forgot to take pics a lot of the time
HLT heated the liquor to 78'C and achieved 68.0 at dough in (67.7 advised by clone book so close as can be without faffing). Mash bin covered in duvets to preserve heat:
Mash out temp was 67.6'C ! lost less than half a degree so pleased as punch with that as a first effort. Let the sparge commence!
Fat bloke sparging
Boiling away merrily. In went the Northerns at -90 mins, and Irish Moss and Cascades at -15 mins as per recipe.
Chiller - British engineering at it's finest. Shame the hose clips were seemingly tightened up by a four year old child
Yeast pitched at 22'C with an OG of 1055. The recipe said 1051-1052 so we were a little off but not too bad for a first effort.
A few hairy moments. The FV under the mash tun got stuck under the tap and freed itself violently over brew buddy Rich's shoes. Lost very little though thankfully. Second "oh ****" moment occured when the hose popped of the chiller at about 45'C, pouring about half a litre of cold dirty hose water into the wort. Fingers crossed there will be no ill effects
Only concern is that I misjudged a few quantities and wound up with closer to 17.5L as opposed to 19L. Will need to work on the boil I think and try and squeeze more out of my 25L FV's ...
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